Ministry of Health
Health Professional Council

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About HPC

Positions and Roles

Healthcare Professional Council abbreviated as "HPC". International language: Healthcare Professional Council, abbreviated as "HPC” is an independent entity of the Ministry of Health which is autonomous in terms of technical, budget, and personnel management. It serves as the secretariat to the Ministry of Health in the implementation supervision and inspection of healthcare professionals’ performance and the quality of healthcare services with protecting the rights and benefits of service recipients and healthcare service providers.

Duties of HPC

The duties of Health Professional Council are:

1.     Implement the law, other legislations of the higher level, and legislations of the Ministry of Health;

2.     Research draft policies, strategies, and legislations related to the management of healthcare professionals to propose to the Minister for consideration and approval as appropriate, as well as develop relevant legislation into detailed plans, programs, and projects for the development of management of healthcare professionals;

3.     Approve the policies, strategies, relevant legislation, operational plans and budget plans of the Health Professional Council as proposed by each healthcare professional boards;

4.     Coordinate with the Department of Health Personnel and related parties to create training courses and cumulative credits on the continous professional development of healthcare professionals;

5.     Consider and recognize and propose to improve the curriculum and education quality standards of public health education institutions according to the standard level;

6.     Summarize the list of health education institutions that have certified the quality and standards of education both domestically and internationally;

7.     Consider, endorse, approve the plan and content of the national examination according to the research and proposal of the healthcare professional boards;

8.     Supervise and lead the national examination process of each healthcare professional boards;

9.     Acknowledging and verifying the results of the national examinations of those who have completed the doctors, dental, nursing, midwifery, and pharmacist courses as proposed by the healthcare professional boards;

10.  Recognize the knowledge, skills, abilities, expertise, and technical techniques according to the professional standards of healthcare professionals as proposed by the healthcare professional boards;

11.  Consider, approve the registration and licensing for various types of healthcare professionals according to the research proposed by each healthcare professional boards;

12.  Direct the coordination, cooperation with regional and international education, research and development of professional training for the healthcare professional boards and Health Professional Council bureau;

13.  Supervise the practice of healthcare professionals to have quality according to professional ethics, scope of practice, competencies, and standards of behavior towards patients in accordance with the circumstance periodically;

14.  Encourage, monitor, inspect, evaluate and assess the activities of healthcare professionals in both public and private health service facilities, a including the Health Professional Council Bureau;

15.  Research, consider, and make professional judgments about reprimands, petitions, and complaints from organizations and individuals regarding the performance of healthcare professionals;

16.  Monitor and check the validity of the healthcare professional license as well as propose the measurements to those who violate the rules and regulations in different forms;

17.  Guide, monitor, encourage the Health Professional Council bureau in managing the information system of healthcare professionals;

18.  Perform other duties according to laws and regulations.

Scope of rights:

The scope of rights of Health Professional Council are:

1.     Issue decisions, rules, orders, instructions and notifications on the work under its responsibilities;

2.     Appoint committees and sub-committees related to the work of the Health Professional Council;

3.     Approve the scope, competencies and standards of professional practice in accordance with ethical and code of conduct aimed at ensuring the safety of patients and healthcare professionals;

4.     Register and issue healthcare professional licenses to healthcare professionals in accordance with the regulations;

5.     Reprimand, warn, suspend, revoke, and cancel the registration of those who violate the principles and regulations of healthcare professions in any form;

6.     Cooperate with domestic and international organizations related to the development of healthcare professional training;

7.     Utilize the state budget, international grants and other sources of income both domestically and internationally, as well as the revenues from the issuance the healthcare professional licenses, registration and renewal of licenses for healthcare professionals;

8.     Recommend and promote those who have outstanding performance in the management of the healthcare professional, those who contribute to the Health Professional Council, and healthcare professionals;

9.     Perform other rights according to laws and regulations;

The healthcare professional council consists of healthcare professional boards such as:

1.     Medical Board

2.     Dental Board

3.     Nursing and Midwifery Board

4.     Pharmacological Board

Contact info.

Telephone : 021 840133

You can search for registered the healthcare professionals here

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Notice: To verify the registration, you can contact the Office of the Healthcare Professional Council, 021 840133

Please type the registration number of the healthcare professionals to confirm the registration